Prof. J. Walter - Informationstechnik, Mikrocomputertechnik, Digitale Medien Stand der Technik
Hochschule Karlsruhe Logo Microcontrollertechnik
Music Pixel - Verarbeitung
Sommersemester 2019
Alexander Caran
Andrea López

Stand der Technik

Nowadays there are many Music reactive light systems available in the market, the range can go from big installations used in nightclubs to small home systems.

Nanoleaf light panels


Consist of individual triangular led panels that can be pieced together into whatever the client wishes it and mounted on flat surfaces like walls. Moreover, the  color tone, intensity and ever color palette can fully customizible through their app.  They can also be controlled using voice control and with the manual controller. It is possible to turn them into a real life equalizer that reacts to music through an add-on module named The Nanoleaf Rythm

existierende Projekte zur FFT Analyse:

Projekt bzgl. FFT

Projekt Kommunikation ESP32


  Mit Unterstützung von Prof. J. Walter Sommersemester 2019