//Library für //#include "soc/rtc.h" //Verlangsam die ESP Prozesse //Library für OLED Display #include <Wire.h> // I2C #include <Adafruit_GFX.h> // OLED #include <Adafruit_SSD1306.h> // Graphic #define OLED_RESET 4 Adafruit_SSD1306 display(OLED_RESET); //Library fuer Acces Point ESP32 #include <WiFi.h> #include <SD.h> #include "SDCard.h" #include "FS.h" #include "SD.h" #include "SPI.h" // SPI bus //Library für Wägezellen #include "cWaage.h" //**************************************************************************************************************************** typedef struct Timestempel { int millisec = 0; int seconds = 0; int minutes = 0; int hours = 0; int gesamt = 0; } Timestempel; typedef struct Waagedata { Timestempel Time; float kraft1 = 0; float kraft2 = 0; float kraft3 = 0; float kraft4 = 0; } Waagedata; typedef struct charWaagedata { char hours[5]; char minutes[5]; char seconds[5]; char millisec[5]; char kraft1[10]; char kraft2[10]; char kraft3[10]; char kraft4[10]; } charWaagedata; cWaage Waage1, Waage2, Waage3, Waage4; Waagedata Daten; charWaagedata charDaten; //**************************************************************************************************************************** const char* ssid = "ESP32eVert"; const char* password = "12345678"; IPAddress myIP; WiFiServer server(80); WiFiClient client; // size of buffer used to capture HTTP requests #define REQ_BUF_SZ 50 char HTTP_req[REQ_BUF_SZ] = {0}; // buffered HTTP request stored as null terminated string char req_index = 0; // index into HTTP_req buffer //**************************************************************************************************************************** const char* file = "/index.txt"; #define LOGDATEI "/Log" //char* dateiName = LOGDATEI "00.csv"; char* dateiName = "/Log00.csv"; File webFile; // the web page file on the SD card File dataFile; //**************************************************************************************************************************** void printDeviceInformation() { Serial.println(); Serial.println("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" ); Serial.print("Chip ID: "); Serial.println(ESP.getChipRevision()); Serial.print("Free Heap Size: "); Serial.println(ESP.getFreeHeap()); Serial.print("Chip Size: "); Serial.println(ESP.getFlashChipSize()); Serial.print("Chip Speed: "); Serial.print((float)ESP.getFlashChipSpeed() / 1000000); Serial.println("Mhz"); Serial.print("Chip Mode: "); Serial.println(ESP.getFlashChipMode()); Serial.println("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" ); Serial.println(); } void I2CDisplayEinstellung() { display.begin(SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC, 0x3C);// mit I2C-Adresse 0x3c initialisieren display.display(); // Zeigt Adafruit Initialisation Symbol delay(2000); // 2000ms = 2s display.clearDisplay(); display.setTextSize(1); display.setTextColor(INVERSE); } void AccesPointEinstellung(const char* _ssid, const char* _password) { Serial.begin(115200); // Connect to WiFi network Serial.println(); Serial.print(F("Connecting to ")); Serial.println(ssid); WiFi.mode(WIFI_AP); WiFi.softAP(ssid, password); delay(1000); myIP = WiFi.softAPIP(); // Start the server server.begin(); Serial.println(F("Server started")); } void printWifiInfo() { byte mac[6]; Serial.println(); Serial.println("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" ); Serial.print("SSID: "); Serial.println(ssid); Serial.print("IP Address: "); Serial.println(myIP); WiFi.macAddress(mac); Serial.print("Device MAC Address: "); for (int i = 5; i >= 1; i--) { Serial.print(mac[i], HEX); Serial.print(":"); } Serial.println(mac[0]); Serial.print("Signal strength (RSSI): "); Serial.print(WiFi.RSSI()); Serial.println(" dBm"); Serial.println("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" ); Serial.println(); } void SDKarteEinstellung() { // SD Karte Adapter Einstellungen Serial.println("Initializing SD card..."); if (!SD.begin()) { Serial.println("ERROR - SD card initialization failed!"); return; } uint8_t cardType = SD.cardType(); if (cardType == CARD_NONE) { Serial.println("No SD card attached"); return; } Serial.print("SD Card Type: "); if (cardType == CARD_MMC) { Serial.println("MMC"); } else if (cardType == CARD_SD) { Serial.println("SDSC"); } else if (cardType == CARD_SDHC) { Serial.println("SDHC"); } else { Serial.println("UNKNOWN"); } uint64_t cardSize = SD.cardSize() / (1024 * 1024); Serial.printf("SD Card Size: %lluMB\n", cardSize); Serial.println("SUCCESS - SD card initialized."); Serial.println("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" ); Serial.println(); } void IndexFilefinden() { // check for index.htm file if (!SD.exists(file)) { Serial.println("ERROR - Can't find index.txt file!"); return; // can't find index file } Serial.println("SUCCESS - Found index.txt file."); /* const uint8_t NAMENSLAENGE = sizeof(LOGDATEI) - 1; while (SD.exists(dateiName)) { if (dateiName[NAMENSLAENGE + 1] != '9') { dateiName[NAMENSLAENGE + 1]++; } else if (dateiName[NAMENSLAENGE] != '9') { dateiName[NAMENSLAENGE + 1] = '0'; dateiName[NAMENSLAENGE]++; } else { Serial.println("Kann Datei nicht erzeugen"); } } */ } void HeaderErstellen() { dataFile = SD.open(dateiName, FILE_WRITE); Serial.print("SUCCESS - create "); Serial.println(dateiName); if (!dataFile) { Serial.println("Failed to open file for appending"); return; } else { dataFile.println(F("Messungen von 1:4 Multikopter")); dataFile.print(F("Zeit")); dataFile.print(','); dataFile.print(F("Kraft1")); dataFile.print(','); dataFile.print(F("Kraft2")); dataFile.print(','); dataFile.print(F("Kraft3")); dataFile.print(','); dataFile.print(F("Kraft4")); dataFile.print(','); dataFile.println(); Serial.println("Set-up header"); dataFile.close(); } } void WaagezelleEinstellung() { //Waage_name.initialisierung(int DAT, float cal_factor, float steigung, float x1, float y1); //steigung*(scale.get_units()-x1)+y1; Waage1.initialisierung(26, -21114.3, 0.97, 0, 0); Waage2.initialisierung(25, -29094.9, 1.289, -1.02, -1.32); Waage3.initialisierung(33, -22538.8, 1.04, 0, 0); Waage4.initialisierung(32, -22133.7, 1, 0, 0); } void Waagekalibrrierungsfunktion() { //Beim Kalibrierung muss erst die WaageEinstellungen so sein //Waage1.initialisierung(DAT PIN, 1, 0, 0, 0); Serial.println("Waage 1 kalibrierung-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" ); Waage1.kalibrieren(); Serial.println("Waage 2 kalibrierung-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" ); Waage2.kalibrieren(); Serial.println("Waage 3 kalibrierung-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" ); Waage3.kalibrieren(); Serial.println("Waage 4 kalibrierung-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" ); Waage4.kalibrieren(); } void setup() { //rtc_clk_cpu_freq_set(RTC_CPU_FREQ_80M); printDeviceInformation(); AccesPointEinstellung(ssid, password); I2CDisplayEinstellung(); printWifiInfo(); SDKarteEinstellung(); IndexFilefinden(); WaagezelleEinstellung(); HeaderErstellen(); //Waagekalibrrierungsfunktion(); // uncommentieren wenn kalibrieren wollen. } void loop() { client = server.available(); Daten.Time = MilliInSecondandMinutes(millis()); Daten.kraft1 = Waage1.getGewicht(); Daten.kraft2 = Waage2.getGewicht(); Daten.kraft3 = Waage3.getGewicht(); Daten.kraft4 = Waage4.getGewicht(); ADCinSleepMode(); if (client) { // got client? boolean currentLineIsBlank = true; while (client.connected()) { if (client.available()) { // client data available to read char c = client.read(); // read 1 byte (character) from client // buffer first part of HTTP request in HTTP_req array (string) // leave last element in array as 0 to null terminate string (REQ_BUF_SZ - 1) if (req_index < (REQ_BUF_SZ - 1)) { HTTP_req[req_index] = c; // save HTTP request character req_index++; } // last line of client request is blank and ends with \n // respond to client only after last line received if (c == '\n' && currentLineIsBlank) { // send a standard http response header client.println("HTTP/1.1 200 OK"); // remainder of header follows below, depending on if // web page or XML page is requested // Ajax request - send XML file if (StrContains(HTTP_req, "ajax_inputs")) { // send rest of HTTP header client.println("Content-Type: text/xml"); client.println("Connection: keep-alive"); client.println(); client.print("<?xml version = \"1.0\" ?>"); client.print("<inputs>"); client.print("<kraft>"); client.print(Daten.kraft1); client.print("</kraft>"); client.print("<kraft>"); client.print(Daten.kraft2); client.print("</kraft>"); client.print("<kraft>"); client.print(Daten.kraft3); client.print("</kraft>"); client.print("<kraft>"); client.print(Daten.kraft4); client.print("</kraft>"); client.print("<time>"); client.print(Daten.Time.hours); client.print("</time>"); client.print("<time>"); client.print(Daten.Time.minutes); client.print("</time>"); client.print("<time>"); client.print(Daten.Time.seconds); client.print("</time>"); client.print("<time>"); client.print(Daten.Time.millisec); client.print("</time>"); client.print("<time>"); client.print(Daten.Time.gesamt); client.print("</time>"); client.print("</inputs>"); AnzeigewithSerial(WaagedataincharConverter(Daten)); AnzeigeinSDKartespeichern(WaagedataincharConverter(Daten)); } else { // web page request // send rest of HTTP header client.println("Content-Type: text/html"); client.println("Connection: keep-alive"); client.println(); // send web page webFile = SD.open(file); // open web page file if (webFile) { while (webFile.available()) { client.write(webFile.read()); // send web page to client } webFile.close(); } } // display received HTTP request on serial port //Serial.println(HTTP_req); // reset buffer index and all buffer elements to 0 req_index = 0; StrClear(HTTP_req, REQ_BUF_SZ); break; } // every line of text received from the client ends with \r\n if (c == '\n') { // last character on line of received text // starting new line with next character read currentLineIsBlank = true; } else if (c != '\r') { // a text character was received from client currentLineIsBlank = false; } } // end if (client.available()) } // end while (client.connected()) delay(1); // give the web browser time to receive the data client.stop(); // close the connection } // end if (client) AnzeigewithDisplayLCD(Daten); } void AnzeigewithDisplayLCD(Waagedata mDaten) { display.clearDisplay(); display.setCursor(18, 0); display.print("--:e-Vertical:--"); display.setCursor(0, 12); display.print("1. Waage:\t"); display.print(mDaten.kraft1); display.setCursor(0, 24); display.print("2. Waage:\t"); display.print(mDaten.kraft2); display.setCursor(0, 37); display.print("3. Waage:\t"); display.print(mDaten.kraft3); display.setCursor(0, 50); display.print("4. Waage:\t"); display.print(mDaten.kraft4); display.display(); } void AnzeigewithSerial(charWaagedata mDaten) { Serial.print(mDaten.hours); Serial.print(":"); Serial.print(mDaten.minutes); Serial.print(":"); Serial.print(mDaten.seconds); Serial.print(":"); Serial.print(mDaten.millisec); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(mDaten.kraft1); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(mDaten.kraft2); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(mDaten.kraft3); Serial.print(","); Serial.println(mDaten.kraft4); } void AnzeigeinSDKartespeichern(charWaagedata mDaten) { File file = SD.open(dateiName, FILE_APPEND); if (!file) { Serial.println("Failed to open file for appending"); return; } file.print(mDaten.hours); file.print(":"); file.print(mDaten.minutes); file.print(":"); file.print(mDaten.seconds); file.print(":"); file.print(mDaten.millisec); file.print(","); file.print(mDaten.kraft1); file.print(","); file.print(mDaten.kraft2); file.print(","); file.print(mDaten.kraft3); file.print(","); file.print(mDaten.kraft4); file.print("\n"); file.close(); } Timestempel MilliInSecondandMinutes(int m_millis) { Timestempel Ruckgabe; Ruckgabe.gesamt = m_millis; Ruckgabe.millisec = m_millis % 1000; Ruckgabe.seconds = (m_millis / 1000) % 60; Ruckgabe.minutes = ((m_millis / (1000 * 60)) % 60); Ruckgabe.hours = ((m_millis / (1000 * 60 * 60)) % 24); return Ruckgabe; } char * floatToChar(char * outstr, float value, int places, int minwidth = 0, bool rightjustify = false) { int digit; float tens = 0.1; int tenscount = 0; int i; float tempfloat = value; int c = 0; int charcount = 1; int extra = 0; // make sure we round properly. this could use pow from <math.h>, but doesn't seem worth the import // if this rounding step isn't here, the value 54.321 prints as 54.3209 // calculate rounding term d: 0.5/pow(10,places) float d = 0.5; if (value < 0) d *= -1.0; // divide by ten for each decimal place for (i = 0; i < places; i++) d /= 10.0; // this small addition, combined with truncation will round our values properly tempfloat += d; // first get value tens to be the large power of ten less than value if (value < 0) tempfloat *= -1.0; while ((tens * 10.0) <= tempfloat) { tens *= 10.0; tenscount += 1; } if (tenscount > 0) charcount += tenscount; else charcount += 1; if (value < 0) charcount += 1; charcount += 1 + places; minwidth += 1; // both count the null final character if (minwidth > charcount) { extra = minwidth - charcount; charcount = minwidth; } if (extra > 0 and rightjustify) { for (int i = 0; i < extra; i++) { outstr[c++] = ' '; } } // write out the negative if needed if (value < 0) outstr[c++] = '-'; if (tenscount == 0) outstr[c++] = '0'; for (i = 0; i < tenscount; i++) { digit = (int) (tempfloat / tens); itoa(digit, &outstr[c++], 10); tempfloat = tempfloat - ((float)digit * tens); tens /= 10.0; } // if no places after decimal, stop now and return // otherwise, write the point and continue on if (places > 0) outstr[c++] = '.'; // now write out each decimal place by shifting digits one by one into the ones place and writing the truncated value for (i = 0; i < places; i++) { tempfloat *= 10.0; digit = (int) tempfloat; itoa(digit, &outstr[c++], 10); // once written, subtract off that digit tempfloat = tempfloat - (float) digit; } if (extra > 0 and not rightjustify) { for (int i = 0; i < extra; i++) { outstr[c++] = ' '; } } outstr[c++] = '\0'; return outstr; } charWaagedata WaagedataincharConverter(Waagedata mData) { charWaagedata lokalcharData; /*String sgesamt = String(mData.Time.gesamt); sgesamt.toCharArray(lokalcharData.gesamt,2);*/ itoa(mData.Time.hours, lokalcharData.hours, 10); itoa(mData.Time.minutes, lokalcharData.minutes, 10); itoa(mData.Time.seconds, lokalcharData.seconds, 10); itoa(mData.Time.millisec, lokalcharData.millisec, 10); //lokalcharData.gesamt= (char)mData.Time.gesamt; floatToChar(lokalcharData.kraft1, mData.kraft1, 3); floatToChar(lokalcharData.kraft2, mData.kraft2, 3); floatToChar(lokalcharData.kraft3, mData.kraft3, 3); floatToChar(lokalcharData.kraft4, mData.kraft4, 3); return lokalcharData; } void StrClear(char *str, char length) { // sets every element of str to 0 (clears array) for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { str[i] = 0; } } char StrContains(char *str, char *sfind) { // searches for the string sfind in the string str // returns 1 if string found // returns 0 if string not found char found = 0; char index = 0; char len; len = strlen(str); if (strlen(sfind) > len) { return 0; } while (index < len) { if (str[index] == sfind[found]) { found++; if (strlen(sfind) == found) { return 1; } } else { found = 0; } index++; } return 0; } void ADCinSleepMode() { Waage1.power_down(); Waage2.power_down(); Waage3.power_down(); Waage4.power_down(); delay(100); Waage1.power_up(); Waage2.power_up(); Waage3.power_up(); Waage4.power_up(); } |
Mit Unterstützung von Prof. J. Walter | Wintersemester 2017/18 |