Verwendete Arduino Entwicklungsumgebung 1.8.12
der Code auf dem ESP-Bestellen:
/* * Author: Felix Mezger(57667), Fabian Rogg(57667) * Date:
27.03.2020 * Purpose: Stores the information of scaling ESP and
sends this information to ESP Order * Keep in mind, that ESP
Memory is one of the two masters */ #include "ESPnow.h"
/* rofa */ extern bool transfer_data[]; extern bool
handshake; int counter= 0;
/* rofa */
flag_ESP_Bestellen= false;
cWifiESPNow myobject;
void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); myobject.Init();
myobject.ScanForSlave(); }
void loop() {
counter <4) { myobject.manageSlave();
myobject.requestStock(); counter++;
for( int i= 0; i<8;
i++) { Serial.println("Werte von Transfer");
Serial.println(transfer_data[i]); }
if( handshake== true)
{ handshake= false;
i=0;i<8;i++) { Serial.write(transfer_data[i]); }
delay(1800); } } else { counter= 0; ESP.restart();
} delay(500); }
#include "Ambient.h" //includes to use ESP_NOW:
#include "esp_now.h" #include "WiFi.h"
#define NUMSLAVES 2 //Anzahl der Slaves 3: Füllstand, LED
und Bedienpanel #define CHANNEL 1 #define PRINTSCANRESULTS 0
void OnDataSent(const uint8_t* mac_addr,
esp_now_send_status_t status); // callback (automatically) when data
is sent from Master to Slave void OnDataRecv(const uint8_t*
mac_addr, const uint8_t* pdata, int data_len); //callback
(automatically) when data is received from Füllstands - Slave
class cWifiESPNow {
public: cWifiESPNow(); void Init(); // Init ESP Now with
fallback void ScanForSlave(); // Scan for slaves in AP mode
void manageSlave(); // Check if the slave is already paired with the
master If not, pair the slave with master bool requestStock();
//Request Füllstand, by sending 99 to Stock-ESP bool
requestorderpanel(); //Request Bedienpanel, by sending 99 to
Stock-ESP bool sendUserInfo(byte led); //Send Userinformation to
LED ESP bool recFlag = false; // Flag set by OnDataRecv when
answer from stock ESP32 has been received --> has to be public
private: int mSlaveCnt; esp_now_peer_info_t
slaves[NUMSLAVES]; };
#include "ESPnow.h"
/* Limits */
GroesseFlasche= 80; // nur für Testzwecke! //uint8_t
GroesseFlasche= 190; uint8_t KleineFlasche= 70;
/* All
Cocktails */
bool grenadine = false; bool zitrone =
false; bool wodka = false; bool orange =
false; bool maracuja = false; bool malibu = false; bool
ananas = false; bool banane = false;
/* Array for Transfer
*/ bool transfer_data[8]= {false};
/* Hand Shake */
bool handshake = false;
/* All Cocktails */
recFlag=false; cWifiESPNow::cWifiESPNow() { mSlaveCnt = 0;
// Init ESP Now with fallback void cWifiESPNow::Init()
{ WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); // die zwei Weg?// erst in ESP_Bestellen
setup machen? WiFi.disconnect(); if (esp_now_init() == ESP_OK)
{ //#ifdef SERIAL_DEBUG Serial.println("ESPNow Init Success");
//#endif } else { //#ifdef SERIAL_DEBUG
Serial.println("ESPNow Init Failed"); //#endif // Retry
InitESPNow, add a counte and then restart? // InitESPNow(); //
or Simply Restart ESP.restart(); } //#ifdef SERIAL_DEBUG
Serial.print("Wifi Mixing Unit MAC-Adress: ");
Serial.println(WiFi.macAddress()); //#endif
esp_now_register_recv_cb(OnDataRecv); };
// Scan for
slaves in AP mode void cWifiESPNow::ScanForSlave() { int8_t
scanResults = WiFi.scanNetworks(); //reset slaves
memset(slaves, 0, sizeof(slaves)); mSlaveCnt =
0; Serial.println(""); if (scanResults == 0) { //#ifdef
SERIAL_DEBUG Serial.println("No WiFi devices in AP Mode found");
//#endif } else { //#ifdef SERIAL_DEBUG
Serial.print("Found "); Serial.print(scanResults); Serial.println("
devices "); //#endif for (int i = 0; i < scanResults; ++i) {
// Print SSID and RSSI for each device found String SSID =
WiFi.SSID(i); int32_t RSSI = WiFi.RSSI(i); String BSSIDstr =
Serial.print(i + 1); Serial.print(": "); Serial.print(SSID);
Serial.print(" ["); Serial.print(BSSIDstr); Serial.print("]");
Serial.print(" ("); Serial.print(RSSI); Serial.print(")");
Serial.println(""); } delay(10); // Check if the current
device starts with `Slave` if (SSID.indexOf("CmIoTSlave") == 0) {
// SSID of interest Serial.print(i + 1); Serial.print(": ");
Serial.print(SSID); Serial.print(" ["); Serial.print(BSSIDstr);
Serial.print("]"); Serial.print(" ("); Serial.print(RSSI);
Serial.print(")"); Serial.println(""); // Get BSSID => Mac
Address of the Slave int mac[6];
if (6 ==
sscanf(BSSIDstr.c_str(), "%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x%c", &mac[0], &mac[1],
&mac[2], &mac[3], &mac[4], &mac[5])) { for (int ii = 0; ii < 6;
++ii) { slaves[mSlaveCnt].peer_addr[ii] = (uint8_t)mac[ii]; }
} slaves[mSlaveCnt].channel = CHANNEL; // pick a channel
slaves[mSlaveCnt].encrypt = 0; // no encryption mSlaveCnt++; }
} } if (mSlaveCnt > 0) { //#ifdef SERIAL_DEBUG
Serial.print(mSlaveCnt); Serial.println(" Slave(s) found,
processing.."); //#endif } else { //#ifdef SERIAL_DEBUG
Serial.println("No Slave Found with Prefix CmIoTSlave"); //#endif
// clean up ram WiFi.scanDelete(); }
// Check if the slave is already paired with the master. //
If not, pair the slave with master void
cWifiESPNow::manageSlave() { if (mSlaveCnt > 0) { for (int i =
0; i < mSlaveCnt; i++) { const esp_now_peer_info_t* peer =
&slaves[i]; const uint8_t* peer_addr = slaves[i].peer_addr;
//#ifdef SERIAL_DEBUG Serial.print("Processing: "); for (int
ii = 0; ii < 6; ++ii) {
Serial.print((uint8_t)slaves[i].peer_addr[ii], HEX); if (ii != 5)
Serial.print(":"); } //#endif //Debug
informations: Status //#ifdef SERIAL_DEBUG Serial.print("
Status: "); //#endif // check if the peer exists bool
exists = esp_now_is_peer_exist(peer_addr); if (exists) { //
Slave already paired. //#ifdef SERIAL_DEBUG
Serial.println("Already Paired"); //#endif }
else { // Slave not paired, attempt pair esp_err_t
addStatus = esp_now_add_peer(peer); //Pairing of Devices //#ifdef
SERIAL_DEBUG if (addStatus == ESP_OK) { // Pair success
Serial.println("Pair success"); //Serial print of failures: }
else if (addStatus == ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_NOT_INIT) { // How did we
get so far!! Serial.println("ESPNOW Not Init"); } else if
(addStatus == ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_ARG) { Serial.println("Add Peer -
Invalid Argument"); } else if (addStatus ==
ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_FULL) { Serial.println("Peer list full"); }
else if (addStatus == ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_NO_MEM) {
Serial.println("Out of memory"); } else if (addStatus ==
ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_EXIST) { Serial.println("Peer Exists"); }
else { Serial.println("Not sure what happened"); }
//#endif delay(100); } } } else { // No slave
found to process //#ifdef SERIAL_DEBUG Serial.println("No
Slave found to process"); //#endif } }
// send data to LED device bool
cWifiESPNow::sendUserInfo(byte led) {
ScanForSlave(); if
(mSlaveCnt > 0) { // check if slave channel is defined
for (int i = 0; i < mSlaveCnt; i++) { //Send
data to ALL Slaves const uint8_t* peer_addr =
slaves[i].peer_addr; //necessary cast if (i == 0) { // print only
for first slave //#ifdef SERIAL_DEBUG Serial.print("Sending:
"); Serial.println(led); //#endif }
esp_err_t result = esp_now_send(peer_addr, &led, sizeof(led));
//send data
//Debug informations Send Status: //#ifdef
SERIAL_DEBUG Serial.print("Send Status: "); //#endif if
(result == ESP_OK) { //#ifdef SERIAL_DEBUG
Serial.println("Success"); //#endif return (true); }
//#ifdef SERIAL_DEBUG else if (result ==
ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_NOT_INIT) Serial.println("ESPNOW not Init.");
else if (result == ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_ARG) Serial.println("Invalid
Argument"); else if (result == ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_INTERNAL)
Serial.println("Internal Error"); else if (result ==
else if (result == ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_NOT_FOUND) Serial.println("Peer
not found."); else Serial.println("Not sure what happened");
//#endif return(false); } } else {
//#ifdef SERIAL_DEBUG Serial.println("No Slave found");
//#endif return (false); } }
//Füllstand anfragen
bool cWifiESPNow::requestStock() {
uint16_t count = 0;
// used to count time from request to received data // BESSER MIT
millis() INTEGRIEREN??? //ScanForSlave(); // search for all
devices in AP mode with Prefix "CmIoTSlave"
if (mSlaveCnt > 0) //&&(request==88)) // activating request
in html whatever
{ // if slave had been found during last
scan... //manageSlave();
byte request = 88; // set by
button click/action
for (int i = 0; i < mSlaveCnt; i++)
{ const uint8_t* peer_addr = slaves[i].peer_addr; //necessary
cast //#ifdef SERIAL_DEBUG
if (i == 0) { // print
only for first slave Serial.print("Sending: ");
Serial.println(request); }
// #endif
esp_err_t result = esp_now_send(peer_addr, &request,
sizeof(request)); //send data
//Debug informations Send
Status: // #ifdef SERIAL_DEBUG Serial.print("Send Status: ");
// #endif
if (result == ESP_OK) { // #ifdef
SERIAL_DEBUG Serial.println("Success"); //#endif
(!recFlag) // wait until receiveFlag has been set by receive
interrupt routine { // hier Timeout integrieren
if (count
< 1000) { count++; }
else {
//#ifdef SERIAL_DEBUG Serial.println("Timeout while waiting for
answer from stock esp32"); //#endif return false; // return
error } delay(1); }// while-Schleife
SERIAL_DEBUG for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
Serial.printf("Received Stock %d: %d\n", i, stock[i]); }
Serial.printf("Time Waited for Answer %d ms\n", count); // #endif
recFlag = false; // reset recFlag return (true);
}// if(result==ESP_ok)
#ifdef SERIAL_DEBUG else if (result == ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_NOT_INIT)
Serial.println("ESPNOW not Init."); else if (result ==
ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_ARG) Serial.println("Invalid Argument"); else
if (result == ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_INTERNAL) Serial.println("Internal
Error"); else if (result == ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_NO_MEM)
Serial.println("ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_NO_MEM"); else if (result ==
ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_NOT_FOUND) Serial.println("Peer not found.");
else Serial.println("Not sure what happened"); // #endif
delay(100); return (false);
}// Ende for-Schleife }
else // if no slaves have been found during
last scan... { //#ifdef SERIAL_DEBUG Serial.println("No
Slave found to request stock"); // #endif return (false); }
// callback
(automatically) when data is sent from Master to Slave void
OnDataSent(const uint8_t* mac_addr, esp_now_send_status_t status)
{ char macStr[18]; //#ifdef SERIAL_DEBUG snprintf(macStr,
sizeof(macStr), "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", mac_addr[0],
mac_addr[1], mac_addr[2], mac_addr[3], mac_addr[4], mac_addr[5]);
Serial.print("Last Packet Sent to: "); Serial.println(macStr);
Serial.print("Last Packet Send Status: "); Serial.println(status ==
ESP_NOW_SEND_SUCCESS ? "Delivery Success" : "Delivery Fail");
//#endif }
//callback (automatically)
when data is received from Füllstands - Slave void
OnDataRecv(const uint8_t* mac_addr, const uint8_t* pdata, int
data_len) { uint16_t stock[8]={0}; cWifiESPNow wifiCom; //
object of this class included to have access to recFlag uint8_t*
receivedData = (uint8_t*)stock; // Local Pointer on Stock Array
char macStr[18]; // Serial print Mac-Adress
of Slave //#ifdef SERIAL_DEBUG snprintf(macStr,
sizeof(macStr), "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", mac_addr[0],
mac_addr[1], mac_addr[2], mac_addr[3], mac_addr[4], mac_addr[5]);
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) //
ursprünglich 16, warum nicht 8(versuch es mal) {
receivedData[i] = pdata[i]; //Copy received Data into
receivedData-Array (= Stock-Array) }
wifiCom.recFlag =
true; // set receive Flag, to allow following actions in
/* Part of Calculation, which
ingredients are enough in terms of their limit */
>= KleineFlasche) {
grenadine= true; transfer_data[0]=
grenadine; // Serial.println(grenadine); } else {
grenadine=false; transfer_data[0]= grenadine; //
Serial.println(grenadine); }
if(stock[1] >= KleineFlasche)
{ zitrone= true; transfer_data[1]=zitrone ; //
Serial.println(zitrone); }
else {
false; transfer_data[1]=zitrone ; // Serial.println(zitrone);
if(stock[2] >= GroesseFlasche) {
wodka= true; transfer_data[2]=wodka ; //
Serial.println(wodka); }
else { wodka= false;
transfer_data[2]=wodka ; // Serial.println(zitrone); }
if(stock[3] >= KleineFlasche) {
orange= true;
transfer_data[3]=orange ; Serial.println(orange); }
else { orange=false; transfer_data[3]=orange ; //
Serial.println(orange); }
if(stock[4] >= KleineFlasche)
{ maracuja= true; transfer_data[4]=maracuja; //
Serial.println(maracuja); }
else { maracuja= false;
transfer_data[4]=maracuja ; // Serial.println(maracuja); }
if(stock[5] >= GroesseFlasche) {
malibu= true;
transfer_data[5]= malibu; // Serial.println(malibu); } else
{ malibu=false; transfer_data[5]= malibu; //
Serial.println(malibu); }
if(stock[6] >= KleineFlasche)
{ ananas= true; transfer_data[6]= ananas; //
Serial.println(ananas); }
else { ananas= false; transfer_data[6]= ananas; //
Serial.println(ananas); } if(stock[7] >= KleineFlasche) {
banane= true; transfer_data[7]= banane; //
Serial.println(banane); }
else { banane= false;
transfer_data[7]= banane; // Serial.println(banane); }
/* for(int i=0; i<8; i++) { Serial.println("Ausgabe der
Werte: "); Serial.println(stock[i]);
} */
//For Debugging: //#ifdef SERIAL_DEBUG Serial.print("Last
Packet Recv from: "); Serial.println(macStr);
Serial.println("Last Packet Recv Data copied into Stock-Variable:
"); //#endif /* rofa */ handshake = true; /* rofa */
Nun folgt die ESP-Bestellen,
hier wird aber nur der selbstgeschriebene, projektbezogene Code
eingefügt, da der Rest einfach viel zu viel wäre.
/* rofa */ cWifiESPNow ESPnow_object; bool
incomingByte[8]={false}; bool receive_data=false; int counter=
0; void permissionstart1(); void permissionstart2(char param);
bool getstarted= false; char counter2=0;
/* All Ingredients */ bool grenadine = false; bool
zitrone = false; bool wodka = false; bool orange = false;
bool maracuja = false; bool malibu = false; bool ananas =
false; bool banane = false;
auswertungs_array[8]={false, false, false, false, false, false,
false, false};
bool *pointer_to_auswertungs_array;
void justtrying();
extern bool
alcoholic_cocktails[]; extern bool non_alcoholic_cocktails[];
bool flag_for_building_jquery= false; bool
flag_for_building_cocktails= false; /* rofa */
server.on("/empty_drink_mode", HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest*
request){ AsyncWebServerResponse * response=
request->beginResponse(200); request->
send_P(200,"text/html",empty_drink_mode_html.c_str(), processor);
void loop() {
/* Beginn der UART Kommunikation */ /*
1. Erhalt der UART Nachricht * 2. Filtern der Nachrichten/ es
kommen manchmal unsynchronisierte/ falsche Daten, die werden herraus
gefiltert! 3. Auslesen der Nachricht -> 8 Werte werden
geschcikt(0 oder 1), die stehen für die einzelnen Getränkzutaten
1= es ist genügend da, 0= es ist zu wenig 4. UART Array wird dem
Auswertungsarray übergeben 5. Informationen werden aus dem
Auswertungsarray herrausgenommen und in einzelne Variablen
gespeichtert( Grenadine, Wodka , Malibu etc.) 6. Aufruf der
Funktionen, um herauszufinden, ob einzelne Cocktails machbar sind
oder nicht siehe functions.cpp, dies wird dann in ein alc-array/
non-alc-array gespeichtert
So viel zu dem Loop
statische Teil des empty-drink_mode
dynamische Teil, hier werden die
zwei Arrays (alc-array und non-alc array mit einer if-Bedinung
ausgelesen, um nur die möglichen Cocktails darzustellen
if(Serial.available()) { /* Handshake, der nicht so gut
funktionierte */ /* if( true) { getstarted=
true; Serial.write(getstarted); delay(10); */ for(int
i=0; i<8; i++) { //counter++; incomingByte[i]=; //Serial.print(incomingByte[i]);
/* Handshake if (counter== 8) { getstarted= false; }
/* Filter */ for(int b=0; b<8; b++) {
if(incomingByte[b] == true) { counter2= counter2+1; }
else if(incomingByte[b] == false) { //break; } }
if(counter2 == 8) { //Serial.print(0); } else
if(counter2 <8) { for(int c=0; c<8; c++) {
//Serial.println(auswertungs_array[c]); } } counter2=0;
/* Start der Zuweisung */
pointer_to_auswertungs_array= auswertungs_array; if
(*(pointer_to_auswertungs_array) == true) { grenadine = true;
} else { grenadine = false; } //Serial.println("Wert
Grenadine:"); Serial.println(grenadine);
(*(pointer_to_auswertungs_array) == true) { zitrone = true;
} else {
zitrone = false; }
//Serial.println("Wert Zitrone:"); Serial.println(zitrone);
(*(pointer_to_auswertungs_array) == true) { wodka = true; }
else {
wodka = false; } //Serial.println("Wert
Wodka:"); Serial.println(wodka);
(*(pointer_to_auswertungs_array) == true) { orange = true;
} else {
orange = false; } //Serial.println("Wert
Orange:"); Serial.println(orange);
(*(pointer_to_auswertungs_array) == true) { maracuja = true;
} else {
maracuja = false; }
//Serial.println("Wert Maracuja:"); Serial.println(maracuja);
(*(pointer_to_auswertungs_array) == true) { malibu = true;
} else {
malibu = false; } //Serial.println("Wert
Malibu:"); Serial.println(malibu);
(*(pointer_to_auswertungs_array) == true) { ananas = true;
} else {
ananas = false; } //Serial.println("Wert
Ananas:"); Serial.println(ananas);
(*(pointer_to_auswertungs_array) == true) { banane = true;
} else {
banane = false; } //Serial.println("Wert
Banane:"); Serial.println(banane); Serial.println();
Serial.println(); Serial.println("Next Message");
Check all alcoholic cocktails*/
// Alkoholische Getränke
wodka_maracuja_1(wodka, maracuja); malibu_maracuja_2(malibu,
maracuja); malibu_orange_3(malibu, orange);
malibu_orange_grenadine_4(malibu, orange, grenadine);
wodka_orange_5(wodka, orange);
wodka_malibu_orange_6(wodka,malibu, orange);
wodka_malibu_ananas_7(wodka, malibu, ananas);
wodka_grenadine_ananas_8(wodka, grenadine, ananas);
wodka_zitrone_9(wodka, zitrone);
zitrone, maracuja, ananas, grenadine, banane, orange);
wodka_ananas_11(wodka, ananas); wodka_orange_12(wodka, orange);
/* Serial.println("Alkoholische Liste an
Cocktails:"); for(int i=0; i<12;i++) {
Serial.print(alcoholic_cocktails[i]); } Serial.println();
// Antialkoholische Getränke
maracuja_orange_ananas_zitrone_grenadine_3(maracuja, orange, ananas,
zitrone, grenadine); banane_ananas_maracuja_grenadine_4(banane,
ananas, maracuja, grenadine); zitrone_orange_5(zitrone, orange);
grenadine_zitrone_orange_maracuja_ananas_6(grenadine, zitrone,
orange, maracuja, ananas);
zitrone_grenadine_orangensaft_ananas_7(zitrone, grenadine, orange,
ananas); zitrone_grenadine_orange_maracuja_ananas_8(zitrone,
grenadine, orange, maracuja, ananas);
zitrone_grenadine_maracuja_orange_ananas_9(zitrone, grenadine,
orange, maracuja, ananas);
grenadine_zitrone_orange_banane_10(grenadine, zitrone, orange,
banane); zitrone_grenadine_maracuja_ananas_11(zitrone, grenadine,
maracuja, ananas); zitrone_grenadine_orange_maracuja_12(zitrone,
grenadine, orange, maracuja); ananas_orange_13(ananas, orange);
zitrone_orange_ananas_14(zitrone, orange, ananas);
zitrone_orange_ananas_15(zitrone, orange, ananas);
grenadine_orange_ananas_16(grenadine, orange, ananas);
orange_maracuja_ananas_17(orange, maracuja,ananas);
grenadine_orange_ananas_18(grenadine, orange, ananas);
/* rofa */ Serial.println("Anti-Alkoholische Liste an
Cocktails:"); for(int i=0; i<18;i++) {
Serial.print(non_alcoholic_cocktails[i]); }
DynamicJsonDocument cocktails(2048);
File filec ="/cocktails.json", FILE_WRITE); if (!filec) {
Serial.println("There was an error opening the file /cocktails.json
for writing"); } else { JsonArray
alccock=cocktails.createNestedArray("alccock"); JsonArray
nonalccock=cocktails.createNestedArray("nonalccock"); for(int
i=0; i<12; i++) {
} for (int i=0; i<18; i++) {
nonalccock.add(non_alcoholic_cocktails[i]); } if
(serializeJson(cocktails, filec) == 0) { Serial.println(F("Failed
to write to file")); } else { Serial.println(F("File
/cocktail.json written")); serializeJson(cocktails,Serial); }
filec.close(); server.on("/js/cocktails.json", HTTP_GET,
[](AsyncWebServerRequest* request) { request->send(SPIFFS,
"/cocktails.json", "text/json"); }); }
//} }
else { delay(500); }
/* rofa */ }
#include <Arduino.h> #include <string> using namespace std;
string dynamic_content_leertrinkbetrieb_alc(); string
const char
html> <html lang="de"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8">
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<header class="text-white"> <div class="container
text-center"> <h1>You are now in the empty drink mode </h1> <p
class="lead"> Enjoy it! </p> </div> </header>
<section id="leertrinkbetrieb" class="bg-light"> <div
class="container"> <div class="row"> <div
class="col-lg-8 mx-auto"> <h3>You will see all cocktails, which
are available with the current ingredients</h3>
id="Alc"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div
class="col-lg-8 mx-auto"> <h2>Alcoholic Cocktails</h2> <p
class="lead">Choose your drink!!!</p>
<table class="table">
<thead> <tr> <th style="text-align:center;">#</th> <th
style="text-align:center;">Cocktail</th> <th
style="text-align:center;">Ingriedients</th> <th
style="text-align:center;">Size</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody
id="Alc2"> </tbody> <script> var
alc_cocktails=[]; var
var alk_Zutaten=["Wodka, Maracuja","Malibu, Maracuja","Malibu,
Orange","Malibu, Grenadine, Orange","Wodka, Orange", "Wodka,
Malibu, Maracuja","Wodka, Malibu, Ananas","Wodka, Grenadine,
Ananas","Wodka, Zitrone", "Wodka, Maracuja, Ananas, Zitrone,
Grenadine, Orange, Banane","Wodka, Ananas","Wodka, Orange(anderes
Verhältnis)"]; var Zaehler_alc=0;
setInterval(function ( ) { var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
$.getJSON("/js/cocktails.json", function(json){
console.log(json.alccock); alc_cocktails=json.alccock; });
document.getElementById("Alc2").innerHTML = "";
Zaehler_alc=0; for (var counter=0;counter <12; counter++) {
var lIngredients = ""; lIngredients+= alk_Zutaten[counter];
if ( alc_cocktails[counter]==true) {Zaehler_alc++;
document.getElementById("Alc2").innerHTML +=
"<tr>\n"; document.getElementById("Alc2").innerHTML +="<td
scope=\"row\" style=\"text-align:center;\" >" + String(Zaehler_alc)
+ "</td>\n" + "<td style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong> " +
String(alc_Cocktail[counter]) + "</strong></td>\n" +"<td><em>" +
lIngredients + "</em></td>\n" + "<td
style=\"text-align:center;\"><button id
=\""+String(alc_Cocktail[counter])+ "\"class=\"btn btn-danger
btn-block\" data-modal-target=#modalalc> " + String(220) +
"ml</button></td>\n"; document.getElementById("Alc2").innerHTML
+="</tr>\n"; }}
"/empty_trink_mode", true); xhttp.send(); }, 10000 ) ;
)=====" };
const char
LEERTRINKBETRIEB_page_middle[] PROGMEM{ R"=====(
</div> </div> </div> </section> <section id="Alc">
<div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-8
mx-auto"> <h2>Non-alcoholic Cocktails</h2> <p
class="lead">Choose your drink!!!</p>
<table class="table">
<thead> <tr> <th
style="text-align:center;">#</th> <th
style="text-align:center;">Cocktail</th> <th
style="text-align:center;">Ingriedients</th> <th
style="text-align:center;">Size</th> </thead> <tbody
id="Non_Alc2"> </tbody> <script> var non_alc_cocktails=[];
]; var
non_alc_Zutaten=["Maracuja","Orange","Maracuja, Orange, Ananas,
Zitrone, Grenadine","Banane, Ananas, Maracuja, Grenadine",
"Zitrone, Orange", "Grenadine, Zitrone, Orangen, Maracuja,
Ananas","Zitrone, Grenadine, Orangensaft, Ananas","Zitrone,
Grenadine, Orange, Maracuja, Ananas", "Zitrone, Grenadine,
Maracuja, Orange, Ananas(anderes Verhältnis)","Grenadine, Zitrone,
Orange, Banane"," Zitrone, Grenadine, Maracuja, Ananas",
"Zitrone, Grenadine, Orange, Maracuja", "Ananas, Orange", "Zitrone,
Orange, Ananas", "Zitrone, Orange, Ananas(anderes
Verhältnis)","Grenadine, Orange, Ananas", "Orange, Maracuja,
Ananas", "Grenadine, Orange, Ananas"];
setInterval(function ( ) { var xhttp = new
XMLHttpRequest(); xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
$.getJSON("/js/cocktails.json", function(json){
console.log(json.nonalccock); non_alc_cocktails=json.nonalccock;
document.getElementById("Non_Alc2").innerHTML = "";
Zaehler_alc=0; for (var counter=0;counter <18; counter++) {
var lIngredients2 = ""; lIngredients2+= non_alc_Zutaten[counter];
if (non_alc_cocktails[counter]==true) {Zaehler_alc++;
document.getElementById("Non_Alc2").innerHTML += "<tr>\n";
document.getElementById("Non_Alc2").innerHTML +="<td scope=\"row\"
style=\"text-align:center;\" >" + String(Zaehler_alc) + "</td>\n"
+ "<td style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong> " +
String(non_Cocktail[counter]) + "</strong></td>\n" +"<td><em>" +
lIngredients2 + "</em></td>\n" + "<td
style=\"text-align:center;\"><button id
=\""+String(non_Cocktail[counter])+ "\"class=\"btn btn-danger
btn-block\" data-modal-target=#modalalc> " + String(220) +
document.getElementById("Non_Alc2").innerHTML +="</tr>\n"; }}
};"GET", "/empty_trink_mode", true);
xhttp.send(); }, 10000 ) ; </script>
)=====" };
const char LEERTRINKBETRIEB_page_After[] PROGMEM{ R"=====(
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const char LEERTRINKBETRIEB_page_AfterScript[] PROGMEM{
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#include "esp_now.h" #include "WiFi.h" #include <EEPROM.h>
#include <Wire.h> #include
MUX_Address 0x70 // TCA9548A Encoders address
myScale[8]; //Create instance of the NAU7802 class
NUMBER_OF_SENSORS = 8; // Anzahl der Sensoren, welche an der MUX
angeschlossen sind float currentweight[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0}; // aktuelles gewicht, wird mit jedem lese zyklus geschrieben
unsigned long StartTime = 0; // ANALYSE float calibfactor[8] =
{213.24, 211.37, 214.65, 216.64, 215.91, 215.00, 218.10, 214.59}; //
calibration factor mit 100g prüfgewicht float offsetfactor[8] =
{ -32782, -35528, 67204, 205027 , -84069, 139070, 124106, -105701};
// offset factor von leerer Waage ohne flasche nur mit halter
float Null_ml_Gewichte[8] = {948, 948, 948, 1482, 1482, 948, 948,
948}; // leere Flasche im Halter mit füllstand anfang Zylinder (0ml
marke) float Fuellgewicht[8]; // falls ml ausgegeben werden soll
und nicht mehr gramm float Fuellhoehe[8]; // falls füllhöhe
ausgegeben werden soll und nicht mehr gramm float
float offset = 0; float y = 0; long e=0; // Variablen
und includes für LED Ausgabe #include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>
float LED_Farbe_0_255[8]; // float zur berechnung int
LED_Farbe_0_255_int[8];// int zur ausgabe float i = 255; float
dreiL_Voll = 2018; // volldefinition 3L Flasche float
einskommafunefiL_Voll = 1316; // volldefinition 1,5L Flasche
float dreiL_faktor; // faktor für led skalierung in 255stel
float einskommafuenfL_faktor; // faktor für led skalierung in
255stel int32_t tarereading[8] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; //
für tare nach neuem strom bei boot mit tareschalter
Tare 25 // Tare Pin #define PIN 16 //LED Ausgangs-Pin #define
NUMPIXELS 90 //Anzahl der NeoPixel
Adafruit_NeoPixel pixels =
Adafruit_NeoPixel(NUMPIXELS, PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800); //LED
// tare funktion um abweihungen vom null punkt auszugleichen
wird ausgeführt wenn bei reset knopf gedrückt wird void
taregewicht() { for (byte x = 0 ; x < NUMBER_OF_SENSORS ; x++)
{ tcaselect(x); tarereading[x] = myScale[x].getWeight(); }
void tcaselect(uint8_t i2c_bus)// mux weiter schalten
um zwischen den 8 waagen zu wechseln { if (i2c_bus > 7)
return; Wire.beginTransmission(MUX_Address); Wire.write(1 <<
i2c_bus); Wire.endTransmission(); }
// esp now
//Local master esp_now_peer_info_t master = {};
esp_now_peer_info_t master2 = {};
//MAC Adress of Master (in
master code: WiFi.macAddress()) uint8_t master_mac[6] = { 0xCC,
0x50, 0xE3, 0xB6, 0x2D, 0xD0 }; uint8_t master_mac2[6] = { 0xA4,
0xCF, 0x12,0x9A, 0x00, 0x78}; //Master 2
#define CHANNEL 1
// Init ESP Now with fallback void InitESPNow() {
WiFi.disconnect(); if (esp_now_init() == ESP_OK) {
Serial.println("ESPNow Init Success"); } else {
Serial.println("ESPNow Init Failed"); // Retry InitESPNow, add a
counte and then restart? // InitESPNow(); // or Simply Restart
ESP.restart(); } }
//Slave configured as Access
Point (AP) SSID void configDeviceAP() { String Prefix =
"CmIoTSlave:"; String Mac = WiFi.macAddress(); String SSID =
Prefix + Mac; String Password = "123456789"; bool result =
WiFi.softAP(SSID.c_str(), Password.c_str(), CHANNEL, 0); if
(!result) { Serial.println("AP Config failed."); } else {
Serial.println("AP Config Success. Broadcasting with AP: " +
String(SSID)); } }
//Data to send: Füllstandsarray
zur Ãœbertragung ( stock[8] wird gesendet) uint16_t stock[8] = {
200, 900, 500, 900, 500, 900, 500, 500 }; //Stock uint8_t*
sendData = (uint8_t*)stock; //Array to send data. Must be byte
(uint8_t) bool requestData = false; //Request Flag (received from
mixing unit) ->send data.
uint16_t stock2[8] = { 200, 900,
500, 900, 500, 900, 500, 500 }; //Stock uint8_t* sendData2 =
(uint8_t*)stock2; //Array to send data. Must be byte (uint8_t)
bool requestData2 = false; //Request Flag (received from mixing
unit) ->send data.
// send filling data to
master:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SEND void
sendStock() {
//castToSend(stock, sendData); //Necessary cast
to convert uint 16 to uint 8 for sending
const uint8_t*
peer_addr = master.peer_addr; //Adjusted. cast to const
neccessary!!! Serial.print("Sending: "); for (int i = 0; i <
8; i++) { Serial.print(stock[i]); Serial.println(" "); }
esp_err_t result = esp_now_send(peer_addr, sendData, sizeof(stock));
//Send funktion
//Debug information Send Status:
Serial.print("Send Status: "); if (result == ESP_OK) {
Serial.println("Success"); requestData = false; // Delete request
Data flag. //Alternativ in Callback-Fkt?? } else if (result ==
ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_NOT_INIT) Serial.println("ESPNOW not Init.");
else if (result == ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_ARG) Serial.println("Invalid
Argument"); else if (result == ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_INTERNAL)
Serial.println("Internal Error"); else if (result ==
else if (result == ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_NOT_FOUND) Serial.println("Peer
not found."); else Serial.println("Not sure what happened");
void sendStock2() {
sendData); //Necessary cast to convert uint 16 to uint 8 for sending
const uint8_t* peer_addr2 = master2.peer_addr; //Adjusted. cast
to const neccessary!!! Serial.print("Sending: "); for (int i =
0; i < 8; i++) { Serial.print("Ausgabe Stock2");
Serial.print(stock2[i]); Serial.println(" "); } esp_err_t
result = esp_now_send(peer_addr2, sendData2, sizeof(stock2)); //Send
//Debug information Send Status:
Serial.print("Send Status: "); if (result == ESP_OK) {
Serial.println("Success"); requestData2 = false; // Delete
request Data flag. //Alternativ in Callback-Fkt?? } else if
(result == ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_NOT_INIT) Serial.println("ESPNOW not
Init."); else if (result == ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_ARG)
Serial.println("Invalid Argument"); else if (result ==
ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_INTERNAL) Serial.println("Internal Error");
else if (result == ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_NO_MEM)
Serial.println("ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_NO_MEM"); else if (result ==
ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_NOT_FOUND) Serial.println("Peer not found.");
else Serial.println("Not sure what happened");
} //
callback (automatically) when data is sent to master void
OnDataSent(const uint8_t* mac_addr, esp_now_send_status_t status) {
char macStr[18]; snprintf(macStr, sizeof(macStr),
"%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", mac_addr[0], mac_addr[1],
mac_addr[2], mac_addr[3], mac_addr[4], mac_addr[5]);
Serial.print("Last Packet Sent to: "); Serial.println(macStr);
Serial.print("Last Packet Send Status: "); Serial.println(status ==
ESP_NOW_SEND_SUCCESS ? "Delivery Success" : "Delivery Fail"); }
// callback (automatically) when data is
received from Master void OnDataRecv(const uint8_t* mac_addr,
const uint8_t* data, int data_len) { char macStr[18];
snprintf(macStr, sizeof(macStr), "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x",
mac_addr[0], mac_addr[1], mac_addr[2], mac_addr[3], mac_addr[4],
mac_addr[5]); if (*data == 99) requestData = true; //Flag send
Data (Füllstand setzen) else if(*data==88) requestData2=true;
//Set Master Mac Adress to global Variable: /* for (int i
= 0; i < 6; i++) { master.peer_addr[i] = mac_addr[i]; }
//memcpy(master.peer_addr, master_mac, 6); //set master mac adresse
to defined value */
Serial.print("Last Packet Recv from:
"); Serial.println(macStr); Serial.print("Last Packet Recv Data:
"); Serial.println(*data); Serial.println(""); }
//Function to cast Array-Pointer: uint16_t Füllstandsarray[8] zu
uint8_t Füllstandsarray[16] //To send via ESP Now typ must be
uint_8 (1 Byte) -> filling level (uint16_t) divided in 2 Bytes
void castToSend(uint16_t* Bit16Ptr, uint8_t* Bit8Ptr) {
Bit8Ptr = (uint8_t*)Bit16Ptr; }
// ende esp now init
void init_scale() // alle scales
anwesend? und calibrationfaktor und offset factor einschreiben {
//Initialize all the sensors for (byte x = 0 ; x <
NUMBER_OF_SENSORS ; x++) { tcaselect(x);
(myScale[x].begin() == false) { Serial.println("Scale not
detected. Please check wiring. Freezing..."); Serial.println(x);
while (1); }
Serial.println("Scale detected!");
} }
void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); // Baudrate definieren
Serial.println("Qwiic Scale Example"); Wire.begin();
//änderung by user :-P Wire.setClock(400000); //Qwiic Scale is
capable of running at 400kHz if desired
// setup esp now kommunikation (aus beispiel programm esp now
//Set device in AP mode to begin with WiFi.mode(WIFI_AP); //
configure device AP mode configDeviceAP(); // This is the mac
address of the Slave in AP Mode Serial.print("AP MAC: ");
Serial.println(WiFi.softAPmacAddress()); // Init ESPNow with a
fallback logic InitESPNow(); // Once ESPNow is successfully
Init, we will register for recv CB to // get recv packer info.
esp_now_register_recv_cb(OnDataRecv); //Call receive Call Back
function esp_now_register_send_cb(OnDataSent); //Call
send-callback-fkt //Copied from master example
configurations: memcpy(master.peer_addr, master_mac, 6); //set
master mac adresse to defined value master.ifidx =
ESP_IF_WIFI_AP; //Set Master as AP!!! sending doesnt work if status
is STA!!! const esp_now_peer_info_t *peer = &master; //Cast auf
const necessary const uint8_t *peer_addr = master.peer_addr;
esp_err_t addStatus = esp_now_add_peer(peer); //Adding of master
as peer if (addStatus == ESP_OK) { // Pair success
Serial.println("Pair success"); } else if (addStatus ==
ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_NOT_INIT) { // How did we get so far!!
Serial.println("ESPNOW Not Init"); } else if (addStatus ==
ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_ARG) { Serial.println("Add Peer - Invalid
Argument"); } else if (addStatus == ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_FULL) {
Serial.println("Peer list full"); } else if (addStatus ==
ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_NO_MEM) { Serial.println("Out of memory"); }
else if (addStatus == ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_EXIST) {
Serial.println("Peer Exists"); } else { Serial.println("ADD
Not sure what happened"); }
master_mac2, 6); //set master mac adresse to defined value
master2.ifidx = ESP_IF_WIFI_AP; //Set Master as AP!!! sending doesnt
work if status is STA!!! const esp_now_peer_info_t *peer2 =
&master2; //Cast auf const necessary const uint8_t *peer_addr2 =
esp_err_t addStatus2 =
esp_now_add_peer(peer2); //Adding of master as peer if
(addStatus2 == ESP_OK) { // Pair success Serial.println("Pair
success"); } else if (addStatus2 == ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_NOT_INIT) {
// How did we get so far!! Serial.println("ESPNOW Not Init");
} else if (addStatus2 == ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_ARG) {
Serial.println("Add Peer - Invalid Argument"); } else if
(addStatus2 == ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_FULL) { Serial.println("Peer list
full"); } else if (addStatus2 == ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_NO_MEM) {
Serial.println("Out of memory"); } else if (addStatus2 ==
ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_EXIST) { Serial.println("Peer Exists"); } else
{ Serial.println("ADD Not sure what happened"); } // ende
esp now init
starten--------------------------------------- pixels.begin();
//LED; //LED
init_scale(); // initialisierung waagen pinMode(Tare,
INPUT);// initialisierung tare knopf auf pin 25 int Tarapin =
digitalRead(Tare); if (Tarapin) // wenn bei reset tare gedrückt
gehalten wird gehe in tare gewicht für zusätzlichen offset (alle
waargen müssen leer sein OHNE FLASCHEN!!!) {
Serial.println("TARE FUNKTION"); taregewicht(); } }
// LED Farben berechnen
void LEDAusgabe(){ //Flasche 1 for (int i=0;i<8;i++) {
if(Fuellgewicht[7-i] < 120) { LED_Farbe_0_255_int[7-i]=0;
} else if((Fuellgewicht[7-i] >= 120) && (Fuellgewicht[7-i] <=
Fuellgewicht_voll[7-i])) {
else { LED_Farbe_0_255_int[7-i]=255; } } }
//---------------------Flaschen Fuellstand
Ausgabe----------------------------- void neoPixel() {
for(int8_t i=0; i<=NUMPIXELS; i++) { if(i<14) {
pixels.setPixelColor(i,255 - LED_Farbe_0_255_int[7],
LED_Farbe_0_255_int[7],0); //Flasche 7
if((LED_Farbe_0_255_int[7]==0)&& e%2 !=0) {
pixels.setPixelColor(i,0,0,0); } } else if(i<22){
pixels.setPixelColor(i,255 - LED_Farbe_0_255_int[6],
LED_Farbe_0_255_int[6],0); //Flasche 6
if((LED_Farbe_0_255_int[6]==0)&& e%2 !=0) {
pixels.setPixelColor(i,0,0,0); } } else if(i<24)
pixels.setPixelColor(i,0,0,255); //blau else if(i<31){
pixels.setPixelColor(i,255 - LED_Farbe_0_255_int[5],
LED_Farbe_0_255_int[5],0); //Flasche 5
if((LED_Farbe_0_255_int[5]==0)&& e%2 !=0) {
pixels.setPixelColor(i,0,0,0); } } else if(i<34)
pixels.setPixelColor(i,0,0,255); //blau else if(i<43){
pixels.setPixelColor(i,255 - LED_Farbe_0_255_int[4],
LED_Farbe_0_255_int[4],0); //Flasche 4
if((LED_Farbe_0_255_int[4]==0)&& e%2 !=0) {
pixels.setPixelColor(i,0,0,0); } } else if(i<46)
pixels.setPixelColor(i,0,0,255); //blau 3 else if(i<56){
pixels.setPixelColor(i,255 - LED_Farbe_0_255_int[3],
LED_Farbe_0_255_int[3],0); //Flasche 3
if((LED_Farbe_0_255_int[3]==0)&& e%2 !=0) {
pixels.setPixelColor(i,0,0,0); } } else if(i<59)
pixels.setPixelColor(i,0,0,255); //blau else if(i<66){
pixels.setPixelColor(i,255 - LED_Farbe_0_255_int[2],
LED_Farbe_0_255_int[2],0); //Flasche 2
if((LED_Farbe_0_255_int[2]==0)&& e%2 !=0) {
pixels.setPixelColor(i,0,0,0); } } else if(i<69)
pixels.setPixelColor(i,0,0,255); //blau else if(i<77){
pixels.setPixelColor(i,255 - LED_Farbe_0_255_int[1],
LED_Farbe_0_255_int[1],0); //Flasche 1
if((LED_Farbe_0_255_int[1]==0)&& e%2 !=0) {
pixels.setPixelColor(i,0,0,0); } } //else if(i<81)
//pixels.setPixelColor(i,0,0,255); //blau else if(i<91){
pixels.setPixelColor(i,255 - LED_Farbe_0_255_int[0],
LED_Farbe_0_255_int[0],0); //Flasche 0
if((LED_Farbe_0_255_int[0]==0)&& e%2 !=0) {
pixels.setPixelColor(i,0,0,0); } } else if(i<NUMPIXELS)
pixels.setPixelColor(i,0,0,255); //blau };
e++; if (e>=20) { e=0; } }
// ende LED ausgabe
void loop() {
for (byte x = 0 ; x <
NUMBER_OF_SENSORS ; x++) // jeweils 8 werte zu von den Waagen holen
und mitteln , in das Array eintragen und Null milliliter gewichte
abziehen { tcaselect(x); if (myScale[x].available() ==
true) { float currentReading = myScale[x].getWeight();
currentweight[x] = currentReading; Fuellgewicht[7 - x] =
currentweight[x] - Null_ml_Gewichte[x]-tarereading[x]; // aktuelles
gewicht(mittelwert aus 8) minus null_ml_gewicht(wurde zuvor
ermittelt und ist fix)-ggf zusätzlicher tarewert(tare pin) if
(Fuellgewicht[7 - x] < 0) { Fuellgewicht[7 - x] = 0; }
stock[x] = (uint16_t)Fuellgewicht[x]; // cast von float auf Int zur
übertragung stock2[x]=(uint16_t)Fuellgewicht[x]; }
if (requestData) // wenn ein send request erhalten wurde gehe in
senden funktion { sendStock(); } else if(requestData2)
{ sendStock2(); } }
// unsigned long CurrentTime = millis(); // delete later //
unsigned long ElapsedTime = CurrentTime - StartTime;// delete later
Serial.println(Fuellgewicht[7]); Serial.println(Fuellgewicht[6]);
Serial.println(Fuellgewicht[4]); Serial.println(Fuellgewicht[3]);
Serial.println(Fuellgewicht[2]); Serial.println(Fuellgewicht[1]);
Serial.println(Fuellgewicht[0]); Serial.println("");
// LED Ausgabe aufrufen
LEDAusgabe(); neoPixel();
/* * Author: Felix Mezger(57667), Fabian Rogg(57667) * Date:
27.03.2020 * Purpose: Stores the information of scaling ESP and
sends this information to ESP Order * Keep in mind, that ESP
Memory is one of the two masters */ #include "ESPnow.h"
/* rofa */
extern bool transfer_data[]; extern
bool handshake; int counter= 0;
/* rofa */
flag_ESP_Bestellen= false;
cWifiESPNow myobject;
void setup() { Serial.begin(115200);
myobject.Init(); myobject.ScanForSlave();
void loop() {
if( counter <4) {
myobject.manageSlave(); myobject.requestStock(); counter++;
//delay(2000); // Break of 4 seconds, randomly
for( int
i= 0; i<8; i++) { Serial.println("Werte von Transfer");
//if( true) if( handshake==
true) { handshake= false; flag_ESP_Bestellen= true;
//if( true) //{ for(int i=0;i<8;i++) {
Serial.write(transfer_data[i]); } delay(1800); //} }
} else {
counter= 0; ESP.restart();