Prof. J. Walter - Informationstechnik, Mikrocomputertechnik, Digitale Medien Lösungsalternativen
Hochschule Karlsruhe Logo Information technic
eMalRob: Induction - Battery
Wintersemester 20/21
Abbhirami Manivannan
Nurain Amira Murad

Alternative Solutions

Sub- Solutions
Function S1 S2 S3
A 5V Power Supply Power bank Power bank Power bank
B Timing the battery level Coding Coding Coding
C Detect wall in front of the robot Proximity Sensor Bump Sensor Ultrasonic distance sensor
D Locate base station IR Sensor IR Sensor Camera
E Robot move to the base station DC Motor DC Motor DC Motor
F Battery charging Induction charger receiver Induction charger receiver Induction charger receiver


Selected Solutions: S2

  With support from Prof. J. Walter Wintersemester 2020/21