Prof. J. Walter - Informationstechnik, Mikrocomputertechnik, Digitale Medien Selected Solution
Hochschule Karlsruhe Logo Microcontroller Technology
Intelligent Crutch

4.1 Selected Solution

Sum of crutch 1 and 2
Figure 4.1.1: Total weight on both crutches combined

The example above depicts the recorded total weight on both crutches during a three-point walking pattern. In the three-point walking pattern, the patient uses the healthy leg normally. The crutches are only used to support the injured leg. They are both used at the same time and ideally with similar loads on them. This gives the patient three points of contact during this part of the step, hence the name.
The wider section in the graph above shows a person just standing on these three points.

To calculate the loads on the patients injured foot, the load on both crutches is subtracted from the patients weight. The patients weight is obtained via the Smartphone App. Further analysis of the forces on the two crutches will allow counting of individual steps and possible overloads, enabling the Smartphone App to show a statistic during a full day.

  With Support of Prof. J. Walter Summer Semester 2021