Prof. J. Walter - Informationstechnik, Mikrocomputertechnik, Digitale Medien Software Documentation
Hochschule Karlsruhe Logo Microcontroller Technology
Intelligent Crutch

4.3 Software Documentation

Flowchart for communication between both crutches:

Flow Chart

Intelligent Crutch Applications:
The Intelligent Crutch Applications (Apps) is developed using the MIT App Inventor. It is a web application integrated development environment for developing an applications (Apps) for Android and iOS devices. In the MIT App Inventor, we build the code by putting the blocks together as shown in the figure below.

Flow Chart
Figure 4.3.1: MIT App Inventor

(A) Main Page
In this main page, user may set the bluetooth connection with the intelligent crutch, so that user may monitor their leg condition and crutch condition by using their devices.
Flow Chart
Figure 4.3.2: Intelligent Crutch Apps - Main Screen

(B) Data Page
In this data page, user may monitor the foot load data and the crutch data.
Flow Chart
Figure 4.3.3: Intelligent Crutch Apps - Data Screen

(C) Settings Page
In this settings page, user may set the weight data and the maximal allowed weight for the patient.
Flow Chart
Figure 4.3.4: Intelligent Crutch Apps - Settings Screen

  With Support of Prof. J. Walter Summer Semester 2021