Prof. J. Walter - Informationstechnik, Mikrocomputertechnik, Digitale Medien Project Plan
Hochschule Karlsruhe Logo Microcontroller Technology
Intelligent Crutch

2.6 Project Plan

No. Activities Begin Scheduled
Duration in hour
PIC Percent
0 Start 30.03.2021       Milestone
1 Task Selection From 13.04.2021        
P1 Project lead and planning 30.03.2021 15 Joachim 80%  
D1 Elaborate definition phase 13.04.2021 10 Lorenz 100%  
D2 Eleborate concept phase 20.04.2021 20 Joachim 100%  
D3 General Documentation 27.04.2021 10 Kai Li 70% Describe solution and realization
D4 Electrical Documentation 27.04.2021 10 Danial 20%
D5 Mechanical Documentation 27.04.2021 10 Lorenz 70%
D6 Embedded Software Documentation 27.04.2021 10 Chris 30%
D7 Front End Software Documentation 27.04.2021 10 Kai Li 70%
D8 Film and cut YouTube video 31.05.2021 15 Mufti 0%  
E1 Choose and connect controller with wireless interface 20.04.2021 5 Lorenz 100%  
E2 Choose and connect weight sensor 20.04.2021 10 Lorenz 100%  
E3 Choose and connect acceleration and orientation sensor 20.04.2021 15 Mufti 100% Optional for easier walking recognition
E4 Choose and integrate battery 20.04.2021 10 Joachim 100% Expendable battery with easy access for exchange or rechargeable battery with integrated charge circuit and voltage conversion
E5 Choose and connect actors for user feedback 20.04.2021 20 Joachim 100% At least one of the following: optical, acoustic, haptic feedback
E6 Design and Solder PCB 22.04.2021 20 Danial -  
M1 Integrate electrical components mechanically 27.04.2021 35 Lorenz 100% Integration into crutch preferred as retrofit for lower crutch tube, easy access to battery
S1 Develop embedded software - Data Processing 20.04.2021 30 Chris 90% Implement data acquisition, data filtering, walking recognition
S2 Develop embedded software - Communication 20.04.2021 30 Mufti 90% Communication between both crutches, communication with mediacal personal
S3 Develop front end software - sequence 20.04.2021 30 Danial 90% Statistic data analysis
S4 Develop front end software - layout 20.04.2021 30 Kai Li 90% Graphical user interface via web application
T1 Test System 31.05.2021 30 All 80% Test technical reliability; Test handling with patient, doctor and medical personnel
Presentation         Milestone
Project End 22.06.2021        
Total   300 - 360      

  With Support of Prof. J. Walter Summer Semester 2021