Prof. J. Walter - Informationstechnik, Mikrocomputertechnik, Digitale Medien Morphology
Hochschule Karlsruhe Logo Energy Efficient Microcontroller & MMT Project
Volcopter: Rope Control &
Winter Semester 2021
Ritu Ahmed (79250)
Pierrick Petit (79874)

3.3 Morphology


  Part- Solutions Component
  Function SC 1 SC 2 SC 3
A Measure pedal movement Potentiometer and gear Inductive position sensor Capacitive position sensor
B Process input data and deduce actuator signal (calculation of motor speed) MICOC (ESP32) SPS  
C Reduce cord length Winding the cord on a
winch with a motor
D Increase cord length Mechanical
Rotation of the winch,
reel and motor
E Torque transmission from drive to winch Mounting the winch on a shaft; Drive of the shaft by means of beam coupling Mounting the winch on a shaft;
Drive of the shaft by means of double beam coupling
Connection of the motor shaft to shaft with winch via belt
F Create the rotation with a motor DC Motor Step motor Servomotor
G Cord guide for flight near the ground (take-off & landing) Elevation of the drone
through landing gear
Landing on an elevated platform Cord- Guide through an eyelet near the ground
H Power supply of the system One battery for the entire system with an optocoupler One battery for the power supply of the data processing
unit and one battery for the motor
I Power supply of the drone
( On the drone )
Directly replace the original drone battery with the power supply via a cable  STARTRC For DJI Mavic 2 battery extended adapter  to extract an input power  while letting the original battery on the drone  
J Power supply of the drone
( Generating power on the ground )
Sliding electrical contacts Inductive power supply  

  With Support of Prof. J. Walter Winter Semester 2021