Prof. J. Walter - Informationstechnik, Mikrocomputertechnik, Digitale Medien Advantages - Disadvantages - Catalogue
Hochschule Karlsruhe Logo Energy Efficient Microcontroller & MMT Project
Volcopter: Rope Control &
Winter Semester 2021
Ritu Ahmed (79250)
Pierrick Petit (79874)

3.5 Alternative solutions


  Part- Solution Component
  functions SC 1 SC 2 SC 3
A Measure pedal movement Potentiometer Inductive sensor Incremental
B Process input data and deduce actuator signal
(calculation of motor speed)
Micoc SPS  
C Reduce cord length Reel    
D Increase cord length Freerun Rotating Motor  
E Torque transmission from drive to winch Beam coupling Double-
loop coupling
F Create the rotation with a motor DC Step Servo
G Cord guide for flight near the ground
(take-off & landing)
Landing gears Elevated platform Eyelet near
the reel
H Power supply of the system Battery & Opto-
Two Batteries  
I Power supply of the drone
( On the drone )
Battery Adapter
Power out
J Power supply of the drone
( Generating power on the ground )
Sliding contact    

Alternative solution AS1:

The travel measurement of the incremental encoder is evaluated via the Micoc and a speed is determined. The reel is driven by a DC motor, which is connected to the shaft and the reel via a beam coupling. The ascencion is realized by a freerun, in the descent a raised platform is used for landing to guarantee the safe line guidance. A single battery with optocoupler is sufficient.

Alternative solution AS2:  

The travel measurement obtained by means of a potentiometer is evaluated via the Micoc and a speed is determined. The reel is operated by a stepper motor whose step-by-step motion (possibly in full-step mode) is transmitted to the shaft and the reel in a vibration-damped manner by means of a double-loop coupling. The ascencion is realized via a freerun. To guarantee safe line guidance, a raised landing frame is used on the drone, as well as an eyelet near the ground. Microcontroller and motor are powered by separate batteries.

Alternative solution AS3:  

The travel measurement obtained by means of a potentiometer is evaluated via the Micoc and a speed is determined. The reel is operated by a stepper motor whose movement is transmitted to the shaft and the reel by a belt and two pinions. The ascencion is realized by a freerun, and for the landing, a raised platform is used to guarantee the safe line guidance. The microcontroller and motor are powered by separate batteries.


Selected Solution : AS2

  With Support of Prof. J. Walter Winter Semester 2021